The Artist Muse - Cities of Basketball

13th May 24 - By Nikolai Kotlarczyk, Writer

Artist PortraitsInspirationPeople

Basketball turned from a passion into a profession for Danish multi-disciplinary designer Kasper Nyman. Capturing some of his favourite basketball courts from around the world has translated into his own designed courts here in Copenhagen and beyond. We chatted with Kasper about what first sparked his love for the game and his favourite photograph for Paper Collective.

Hi Kasper, thank you for chatting with Paper Collective. To start, you tell me a little bit about your background, your creative journey and where you are based?

My educational background is graphic design. I graduated at the age of 19, followed by 4-5 years working for agencies in Denmark, after taking the leap into being a freelancer- which I have been freelancing for 13 years now, with my base in Copenhagen. Over the course of those 13 years I’ve evolved into a multi disciplinary designer, working in graphics, animations and photography.

Where did your love for Basketball start and who/what was your favourite player / team when you were growing up?

Honestly, Space Jam (1996) with Michael Jordan introduced me to basketball. Followed by a VHS tape got from my parents called NBA Jam Session (which is sort of MTV mixed with NBA highlights). Those two VHS tapes kick started my curiously for basketball which led into my love of the game of basketball. Growing up, like so many others, Michael Jordan was my favourite player. Over the years I’ve followed various players and teams. I’m not a diehard fan of any specific team, I just enjoy the game of basketball.

Your creative output is quite varied, from photography to graphic and spatial design. How do you balance your different mediums and outcomes? Is there one facet to your work that brings you the most joy?

I don’t feel like it’s balance I have to make, or a facet I love the most. I just love the I’m able to explore and create in so many different outputs, and grateful for all the people that put trust in me to do so. It gives me the opportunity grow and evolve as a creative person.

PC:What are some of your favourite basketball courts around the world

I have to saythat my favorite Baskteball courts are here in Denmark, but I’m being totally bias. I am about to finish the 7th basketball court I have designed around the country that people get to hoop on during the summertime.

What is your favourite art print from your Cities of Basketball collection for Paper Collective and why?

My favourite photographic print for Paper Collective is “Cities of Basketball 05 - Hong Kong”. To me, it embodies what I do as a creative. It’s photography, graphics, composition, texture and colours, all in one photo.

Artworks by

Kasper Nyman